Class DecimalToRoman


public class DecimalToRoman
extends java.lang.Object

**For internal use only** Structure to help in converting integers to roman numerals

Field Summary
 java.lang.String m_postLetter
          Correspoding letter (roman) to m_postValue
 long m_postValue
          Minimum value for a given range of roman numbers
 java.lang.String m_preLetter
          Correspoding letter (roman) to m_preValue
 long m_preValue
          Value of last prefixed number within that same range
Constructor Summary
DecimalToRoman(long postValue, java.lang.String postLetter, long preValue, java.lang.String preLetter)
          Constructor DecimalToRoman
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public long m_postValue
Minimum value for a given range of roman numbers


public java.lang.String m_postLetter
Correspoding letter (roman) to m_postValue


public long m_preValue
Value of last prefixed number within that same range


public java.lang.String m_preLetter
Correspoding letter (roman) to m_preValue
Constructor Detail


public DecimalToRoman(long postValue,
                      java.lang.String postLetter,
                      long preValue,
                      java.lang.String preLetter)
Constructor DecimalToRoman
postValue - Minimum value for a given range of roman numbers
postLetter - Correspoding letter (roman) to postValue
preValue - Value of last prefixed number within that same range (i.e. IV if postval is 5 (V))
preLetter - Correspoding letter(roman) to preValue

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